Hi! Me call Irina. Thank that have glanced on this page. I live in Byelorussia, in city of Grodno. At me two fine daughters - twins - Alexandra and Anastasia. I the mother - single also bring up the girls one.

Alexandra's doctors have put the terrible diagnosis: congenital artery-venous fistulas of a upper lip. The first operation, which we with her have transferred to two one month, anything has not helped her, but only have added some lines in the diagnosis which now sounds so: "Congenital artery-venous fistulas of a upper lip. Cicatrix's, cicatrix deformation of a upper lip after treatment. It capillary - cavernous gimongenoms. Secondary artery-venous communications. Gemontolimfosis". There has come deterioration and as a verdict - the certificate of the invalid of the childhood. However, I do not lose hope for the best, which and has directed me on creation of this page.

Alexandra may recover, eat experts in Moscow and abroad, which may perform her operation and recover the child health and beauty. Certainly she should transfer not one operation (it is necessary about 7 operations) then it will be necessary also plastic operation. On all this it is necessary about 20000 dollars. Such money to me to collect it will be not possible ever. Therefore, if you might help me money, or professional medical council, the huge request, do not remain in the side. Help me to return to my girl the childhood.

On the second page of this site you may find payment essential elements on which it is necessary to transfer the help. In section "Address" - my essential elements and the address of an E-Mail on which you may communicate with me, in a case if at you may arise any doubts, or you might help me any important information.

If you have not left yet and have read up all up to the end, thank you!

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